Majorityrights News > Category: Geopolitics

Language, the common currency: undoing YKW misdirection of terms, concepts of group homeostasis

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 21 March 2019 05:26.

Euro-DNA Nations - [Part 3] healthy self-interest; reaching out to the broad Euro-populations

If our mission to defend European peoples is to be understood and appreciated properly by broad masses enough to gain strength of popularity for success, we must negotiate the common currency of our language.

However, to negotiate that common currency with successful results among the broad masses, our spokesmen and advocates must first of all be disabused of YKW misdirection of terms and concepts of group advocacy so as not to perpetuate social systemic dissolution. By disabusing corrupted terms and concepts and redeploying their corrected proper forms first of all through our spokesmen and dedicated advocates, they can reach out with greater success and popularity to our broader masses to engage in our group systemic homeostasis.

In this discussion with Ecce Lux then, I begin to feel-out a project to rescue terms and concepts that would otherwise structure social systemic homeostasis for European peoples - terms and concepts which have been misrepresented by YKW to tangle, confuse, misdirect and disrupt our group homeostasis.

Our spokesmen and dedicated advocates disabused thus of YKW corrupted terms and concepts first of all and prepared with the proper forms rather for our group homeostatic interests, they can reach out with greater success and popularity to encourage our broader masses to engage defense, fostering and advance of our group interests in coordination and harmony with other peoples - thereby increasing our chances for success as well in that occasion for both intra and intergroup conflict is reduced.

Another red cape they have Whites chasing, I forgot to mention - “equality/inequality”. The matter, rather, for paradigmatic, group management, social systemic homeostasis, is “commensurability/incommensurability”, i.e, do rule structures match and complement the paradigm or not. Casting matters in those qualitative terms allows you to harmonize both intra-group roles and niches AND intergroup relations as you are not rousing conflict and ire through false comparisons which disrespect ecological niche functions.

Eradicate Mulatto Supremacism

All Audio Visual Files of Theoria and Praxis of European/White Ethnonationalism 1 - 4b Complete.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 14 March 2019 07:32.

Bitchute File Part 1 Audio

                              Part 2a Audio                  Part 2b Audio

                      Part 2c Audio                                Part 2d Audio

      Part 3a Audio          Part 3b Audio        Part 4a Audio  Part 4b Audio

Brexit Horror: Disaster for May and Brussels as exit deal TROUNCED. Now what?

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 13 March 2019 06:00.

Brexit Horror: Remainers plot take-over.

NOW WHAT?! Disaster for May and Brussels as exit deal TROUNCED

Daily Express, 12 May 2019:

PRIME Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal has been rejected by the House of Commons with a 149 majority leaving the future of Britain’s exit from the bloc in complete turmoil.

A hoarse-sounding Mrs May suffered a defeat of 242/391 with a majority of 149 at tonight’s meaningful vote on her deal. She had lost her voice after a late-night flight to Strasbourg to demand concessions on her deal with European Commission president Jean Claude Juncker last night. Though it was not enough to win over both hard-line Brexiteers and MPs that back a People’s Vote. MPs could now vote to delay Brexit following an amendment by Labour’s Yvette Cooper, tabled last month, allowing them to do so.

No deal Brexit BOOST: Jacob Rees-Mogg explains ‘exception’ of no deal

Mrs May also said that “voting against a deal does not solve the issues we face”.

European Commission president Mr Juncker had already warned that if MPs turned down the package agreed in Strasbourg on Monday, there would be “no third chance” to renegotiate.

MPs will vote tomrorow on whether they want to leave the European Union without a Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration - a no-deal Brexit.

Should MPs reject that, there will be another vote on whether Parliament wants to seek an extension to Article 50 - delaying the UK’s departure beyond the current March 29 deadline.

But Mrs May stressed that would not resolve the divisions in the Commons and could instead hand Brussels the power to set conditions on the kind of Brexit on offer “or even moving to a second referendum”.

Proposed Italian/Polish ethnonationalist power alliance hits snag over Italian leaders Russian ties

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 24 February 2019 20:57.

Lega and Five Star ties to Russia invokes a specter that haunts Kaczyński

Euractive, “Trans-Europe Express – Friends won’t be friends” 22 Feb 2019:

By Gerardo Fortuna with Alexandra Brzozowski
First official projections of seats in the new European Parliament have shown two right-wing ruling parties, Italy’s Lega and Poland’s PiS, as the second and third-biggest single party in the next Parliament, but the highly anticipated ‘Italo-Polish axis’ doesn’t seem to pan out.

Earlier this week (18 February), the European Parliament released the first survey on what the next European chamber could look like, based on a cross-section of national polls ahead of the European elections in May.

Updated projections will be presented to the public in the coming weeks, but at the current stage, the most significant starting point for analysis is that Matteo Salvini and Jarosław Kaczyński appear to be two top dogs ahead the election night.

Lega and PiS are expected to win 27 and 22 seats, respectively, becoming the second and the third-biggest party within the hemicycle. The first, as usual, will be Germany’s conservative CDU.

A pact between the two right-wing parties is looking more and more lucrative for both and initial contact was already made by Salvini himself, who flew to Warsaw in January to meet Kaczyński, who essentially leads PiS from the background, without being its formal chairman, and test the waters for a possible Eurosceptic alliance.

During the visit, Salvini hailed a new ‘Italo-Polish axis’ to replace the dominant French-German one, sparking a “European spring”. At the time, this looked like the beginning of a political earthquake but, as it turns out, the Warsaw talks seemed more like a one-time thing.

There was no follow up in the weeks after and the settlement of an Italo-Polish axis now seems to be dead in the water, or at least postponed for after the elections.

There’s a red flag that shows that the parties have come to a standstill. In Poland, Salvini was asked if he was thinking about running for the European elections together with his current government’s ally in Italy, the anti-establishment Five Star Movement. He said that there was no need to run together with them and some observers noted that it was because, with Kaczyński, Salvini wouldn’t need Di Maio.

But according to the Italian press, this week Lega proposed Five Star Movement to join them, even in a political group within the European Parliament, but got nyiet as an answer.

If Lega is considering getting someone else on board, distances with the European conservatives on certain topics – above all Russia –  are turning out to be unbridgeable.

At the current stage, conservatives need Salvini to replace the Tories, rather than the other way around, as good performance is expected also for Le Pen’s Rassemblement National.


“The League, for example, has regularly protested European Union sanctions against Russia. In March 2017, League chief Matteo Salvini even signed a cooperation agreement with United Russia.”

“Evidence of the 5 Star Movement’s friendly ties with Russia is also abundant. Both former Vice President Joe Biden and Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have identified 5 Star as a conduit for Russian electoral interference, e.g. in Italy’s December 2016.”

The Hill, “Putin is the real winner of the Italian elections”, 3 March 2018:


President Trump Reverses His Plan To Withdraw From Syria

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 23 February 2019 20:41.

Occidental Dissent, “President Trump Reverses His Plan To Withdraw From Syria”, 22 Feb 2019:

As I said in December, the Israel Lobby, the Pentagon and the GOP establishment would find some way to pressure Trump into reversing his withdrawal of troops from Syria:

“WASHINGTON — First, President Trump was going to pull all 2,000 American troops out of Syria immediately. Then he was going to slow down the withdrawal. Then he was going to leave troops in neighboring Iraq.

Now, in the latest about-face, Mr. Trump has agreed to leave about 400 troops in Syria — 200 in a multinational force in the northeastern part of the country and another 200 at a small outpost in the southeast, where they will seek to counter Iran’s influence throughout the country.

His decision to commit what one senior administration official described on Friday as a “couple hundred troops” to the multinational force, operating south of the Turkish border, came after European allies refused to send troops if the United States would not.

Mr. Trump’s national security adviser, John R. Bolton, pressed the president to make the decision on Thursday, this official said, amid signs that the Pentagon’s negotiations to put together a stabilization and monitoring force were foundering on European resistance. …”

Such has been the story of the Trump administration:

– Big Ag and the Chamber of Commerce have gotten Trump to support increasing legal immigration
– Republican senators loudly condemned Trump for withdrawing from TPP and renegotiating NAFTA until he essentially replaced NAFTA with TPP
– The tax reform bill passed without closing the carried interest loophole
– The GOP Congress punted on funding the border wall half a dozen times
– Various immigration bills like Kate’s Law have died in the Senate
– Trump was persuaded to sign the 2018 Omnibus and to cave on the shutdown by Republican senators
– The GOP Congress passed heavy sanctions on Russia and Trump yielded to pressure from conservatives to arm Ukraine and expand NATO
– Trump was convinced by Ryan and McConnell to prioritize their agenda of health care, tax reform and welfare reform

At the end of the day, conservatives in Congress have prevailed on nearly every issue, and Trump has walked back his populist promises over and over again.

By Hunter Wallace. Share this.

France, Hungary and Poland: A Common Cause

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 23 January 2019 06:13.

Poland, Hungary and France: A Common Cause

By Antoni Trzmiel.

Visigrad Post, Jan 2019:

Poland – We publish here the translation of Antoni Trzmiel’s editorial about the partnership we started with them.

The website, belonging to the Polish weekly Do Rzeczy, has begun cooperation with the Visegrád Post and with the French independent Web channel TV Libertés.

Let us reclaim our own story!

Journalists from these media were in Poland during the days of national celebration of our regained independence. They were preparing a TV documentary for their viewers. Their perspective is not our perspective. But while it may not be rosy, their narrative differs vastly from the infamous description of “thousands of fascists, neo-Nazis and white supremacists marching 300 km from Auschwitz”.

These were the words of a prominent European politician, Guy Verhofstadt, the leader of the Liberal group in the European Parliament. They show how much we have to do to stop such statements being made, including – as was the case here – during a debate on the rule of law in Poland. There is just one way to make this happen, and it is not by prohibiting such lies in Polish law, as such a law could not be enforced abroad anyway. Indeed it is not only Poles that should be outraged, but above all those who vote for the people making such ludicrous claims: French, Dutch, Slovakians, Czechs, Hungarians, Greeks, etc. But for this to happen, first they need to know when their representatives are telling them gross lies.

Conversations with my fellow journalists shed light on many bad things that are happening in their countries, which one would not necessarily notice when travelling there on holiday or for work. This is especially true in the field of freedom of expression. We will be writing about such matters on

Was it worthwhile for David to fight Goliath?

We have decided to cooperate on a permanent basis. Let’s be honest: from a business point of view, this will bring no benefit. Translations, travel and the time spent are all quite significant costs for independent media, which are low-budget non-profit entities. But we believe that if our journalists prepare more materials about the situation in Poland, there is a chance that in some of the media they know and trust, the Hungarians, Belgians and French will get a different picture than the one reflected by the liberal newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza.

For the time being, there is a huge imbalance in forces, resources, and decades of cooperation. They are tied by common interests, while we share our opposition to the current situation (even though much separates us). True, it is a struggle of David against Goliath. However, cheered by that biblical story, we believe in the victory of truth. Let us be frank: there is a long way to go. But, as the Chinese say, a journey begins with a single step.

On November 11 we took that first step

In our case it consisted of three interviews conducted for our media on the eve of November 11. They were published simultaneously on, and on the following days.

Our journalist Karol Gac spoke with deputy prime minister Jarosław Gowin. Olivier Bault, a writing editor of Do Rzeczy and correspondent of French alternative media in Poland, questioned the Deputy Speaker of the Sejm Ryszard Terlecki, as well as MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski.

Thus, Polish readers and viewers had the opportunity to hear what these politicians wanted to tell people from other countries. This is important. After all, it has become clear lately that they are not heard often enough abroad, given that representatives of foreign voters proved able to compel those who represent a majority of Polish voters to change the law [as was the case with the retirement age of judges sitting in the Polish Supreme Court and Higher Administrative Court].

Our journalists too will regularly prepare materials for what we are confident will be a growing number of partners. At the same time, we will publish materials prepared by our partners on It is indeed not a normal situation that we know more about Bollywood or Hollywood stars than about the real life of Slovaks or the French. And, as the above examples show, this has a real impact on our own lives.

Antoni Trzmiel is a journalist working for Polish public television (TVP) and is also the head of, the website of the Polish conservative weekly news magazine Do Rzeczy.

Opinion piece originally published in Polish on the Do Rzeczy website. Translated to English by Olivier Bault.

May loses Brexit vote - what happens next?

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 16 January 2019 09:13.

May loses Brexit vote - what happens next?


A US border wall, as any requirement of border control, is imperative for pervasive ecology, but…

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 12 January 2019 10:24.

United States Border Patrol at Algodones Sand Dunes, California, USA. The fence on the US-Mexican border is a special construction of narrow, 15 feet tall elements, that are movable vertically. This way they can be lifted on top of the ever shifting sand dunes (image Public Domain, Wikipedia).

Lest there be any misunderstanding, the position here is that the matter of a United States Southern border wall, fence, whatever, as any requirement of border control, is very important.

Border control there is particularly illustrative of a central matter, which is that border control is crucial to the management of populations in human and pervasive ecology; issues which include territorial carrying capacity - hence, at this border, the particular demographic is a secondary matter; salient there is the matter of Mexico’s massive population - Mexico City being among the most overpopulated cities in the world.

Nevertheless, the demographic and rule structure of The United States is already on a disastrous trajectory for Whites, will remain so, even with a wall on the south border.

While border control is essential at any rate, the worst case scenario of its instantiation would be that it will be used to lull complacency of propositional conservatism - “we Americans all being in the same relatively taken-care-of boat” - and further close us in and galvanize us into mulattoization; furthering the trajectory of those who left us susceptible for the Cartesian rule structure of the constitution and to the Jewry which weaponized it against our necessary discrimination both at the border and within the borders.

...galvanizing us with the demographic upshot of this manipulation unfortunately against a population that does have some warrant as native American behind them and which, for their nature, is highly ethnocentric. It is a demographic thus, which has been effective against integration with blacks, against integration with Whites, indifferent to Jewish violin playing; as such, in the most optimistic scenario, could be allied with other Asians and Whites against black power, Jewish supremacism and Islamic imposition over human ecological coordination (agreed, getting Mestizos to cooperate in ecological management is no small trick; perhaps Asians proper could help reason, coordinate and enforce such management).

Failing that is a default “alliance” by contrast in sudden, “conservative” implementation against Meztiso populations that looks suspiciously in line with Jewish interests against an Asian, Mestizo, White alliance as it would resist continued instigation of the Mulattoization of the broad mass of American Whites, while allying Jewry with increasingly rare White sell-out elites; whose precarious situation would be more and more prone to interbreeding with Jewry or the Mulatto mass.

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Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 19 Sep 2024 04:09. (View)

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James Bowery commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Fri, 13 Sep 2024 16:41. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Wed, 11 Sep 2024 01:13. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 04:31. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 15 Aug 2024 12:06. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 09 Aug 2024 20:27. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Fri, 09 Aug 2024 09:19. (View)

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